5 Food Rules to Live By – Part 3

Food Rule #3 – Be Aware of food labels making health claims!

First, let us quickly review our first 2 food rules to live by.  1. Real food always trumps any edible food like substance.  2. Eating slowly and to 80% full helps you to consume less and brings a mindful practice to meal times. These first two practices will assist you in your fat loss quest, will improve your digestion, recovery, and fitness performance. Above all they will support you in becoming the healthiest version of you, in your MIND and BODY!

Food rule # 3 relates to our vulnerability to media, social interactions, and the decisions we make. The intention of this rule is to bring about awareness and explain how marketing companies don’t have your best interest in mind when it comes to food and food advertising.

Hundreds of times a day we are bombarded with health information, nutrition facts, and food fallacies.  They infiltrate all corners of our lives. We have friends suggesting unconventional (ie Celery Juice diet) fat loss methods that cure all, because they tried it for a week.  Food companies create confusion, try to mislead, and are downright dirty in their marketing attempts to you to buy their products!

This is what is called Health fraud.   Health fraud is defined as “a misrepresentation of health claims” and can range from a self-proclaimed medical expert who has discovered a so-called “miracle cure,” to a food supplement or drug that is promoted with unsubstantiated health claims.

It can be challenging to tease out the truth behind the labels and decipher true science-based nutrition information.

Recommendations can promise a quick fix…







They make simplistic conclusions such as “whole grain” and that somehow makes these products healthier…





And the claim that sounds too good to be true-fat free cookie…





Because food marketing can be misleading and generally confusing, here is what  you can do to make the best choice:

  1. Assess the claim and decided if it if useful to you.  Will this food help you to perform better, recover, and assist you in becoming a healthier version of yourself?
  2. Look carefully at how the product is presented to you. Is it appealing to your emotions?  Does it have a sexy package?
  3. Compare the front label to the back label. Does the health claim support the ingredients and nutrient content of the food?
  4. Use your instincts. Pick foods that are true to your goals. Real food does not include an ingredients list a mile long.

Imperfect foods are going to be eaten, that is okay, and when they are don’t dwell or beat yourself up over it.  Find the best choice for you and your situation.

If you would like to talk more in depth about our approach to nutrition and work side by side our Precision Nutrition Certified coach, apply now for the upcoming Precision Nutrition Coaching Program.  We only take a small number of clients each year into this program, and we would love to learn more about how we can help you.

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