Robert Bowen was one of our winners in our most recent 6 week transformation challenge. Besides the $1000 cash he won, he also felt like he won his body back. Here is the interview we had with Robert along with his awesome transformation!
If you are looking to make some permanent change in your life, and are looking for a kick start, our 2017 New Year New You Transformation Challenge is fast approaching! Get more information and sign up here!
Where were you before you joined and became a client of our gym? How were you feeling?
I was a person who thought I knew how to keep in shape. I would go to the gym and get on an elliptical and hit the machines. I felt good that I was doing this but really didn’t get the results I ultimately wanted. I felt like I was going in circles trying to get to where I wanted to be.
What was your turning point that you decided to take action?
The year prior I watched on the sidelines so to speak. My good friend, Toby did the New Year New You challenge. I saw the results he got so it made me a bit interested, so I mentioned if they did it again I would try it out. The next year rolled around and he asked if I wanted to do the challenge, as I am a competitive person. I thought it couldn’t be that difficult to go to the gym each morning. So I said yes I would do the challenge not thinking too much about it.
Why had you not joined in the past?
I always thought I knew what to do when working out. I had a couple personal training sessions in the past and figured I was good to go. I would lose a little bit, tone up just a little bit but nothing drastic. I felt fine with that and figured it would take time to get my desired results.
What happened when you joined Epic Fitness? What surprised you?
Right from the beginning I felt the support and comfort of the trainers and other members of the gym. When I would lose form they were right there to let me know and correct me. I was given a nutritional guidebook with a diet to follow and more. I followed that diet to the “T” the first week and after I felt pretty good that I could follow it. I started to get more comfortable with the ingredients and the timing of eating so I changed it up using the same ingredients and meal planning.
The biggest surprise was how difficult it was NOT to cheat on the diet. It is an entire lifestyle change in a good way. I set my goals pretty high for the challenge, as I wanted to lose 15 pounds and 5% body fat. I never knew how much work it would really take. When I set my mind to something I make it a mission to accomplish it. I lost 13 pounds and 2.7% by the mid-way point (week 3) and I felt I worked pretty hard, and I did my cardio on my non-strength training days for an hour sprinting and jogging while I walked my dogs.
What were some of the biggest changes you noticed during our recent New Year New Year challenge?
After the week 3 weigh-in I felt pretty good about the pace I was on. Then week 3 ended and I weighed myself and I didn’t lose any weight. That crushed me as felt I was defeated. I just wanted to cheat, but good thing for my accountable buddies! Anytime I felt a low they would help me not cheat and were quite motivating. I made it through! I went back to the week 1 and 2 diet when I felt the most progress and kept up with my sprints.
How do you feel now?
Words cannot describe how I feel now. I can sit Indian style. Yes, that was one of my goals I was never able too do. I am not out of breath doing simple activities and feel stronger in the process. I have lost over 20 pounds during the challenge. I am faster, stronger and way more agile. I play a ton of softball and all of this has equated to be being a better ball player. I hit with more power I run faster and all around feel fantastic. Thank you Epic Fitness, I could not have done it with out you.