Epic Member Guest Spotlight – Tamara Shapiro

_DSC5333Tamara is just finishing up her first year with us, and we are so excited to share her story!  She recently completed our 6 week challenge with some awesome habit changes that took place, and habits she has been able to stick to since she finished the challenge.  Below is Tamara’s story:

Where were you before you joined and became a client of our gym? How were you feeling?

Before I became a client at Epic Fitness I did not have a regular exercise schedule. I had a 2-year-old and a 7 mo. old old while also working a full time job.  I was working out maybe 3 days a week on my lunch, going to the gym on my own and taking a Pilates or yoga class here and there. Before I had my children I either worked out or ran 5-6 days a week. I was feeling like I needed a change and support from a trainer to figure out how to maximize my workout with the limited time I had to dedicate to exercise in my schedule.

What was your turning point that you decided to take action?

I was about to make what I felt was a huge life change and this was the turning point for me to decide to join. I had made the decision to leave a job I had worked for 12 years, a job and life I loved, to stay home and focus my time and energy on my family. I knew if I was going to stay mentally and physically healthy I needed to have a consistent and supported workout regimen. I started with Epic a few months before I left my job. The Epic Fitness team made an individualized program for me that allowed me to meet my goals. Epic Fitness gave me the support I needed to stay motivated and also enjoy my workout.

Why had you not joined in the past? 

I had not joined in the past because I have always worked out and have completed many workout “boot camps” and group training programs.  I thought I knew what I was doing on my own. Epic Fitness proved me wrong.

What happened when you joined? What surprised you?

When I joined I was impressed with the individual attention and the knowledgeable friendly staff.  I have always been at gyms where the program was the same for everyone in the group. Epic is a leap up from those gyms. They worked with me to set goals and encourage me to do what is necessary to meet these goals. My program is just for me and changes regularly to meet my needs. I also value the positive encouragement and the consistent feedback I receive during my workout that ensures me I am doing the movements correctly and getting the maximum benefit.


What were some of the biggest changes you noticed during our recent New Year New Year challenge?

I had been working out 4-5 days a week for about 9 months when I joined the New Year New You Challenge, I felt I was in good shape and healthy when I started. I was not confident I would be able make a notable change in 6 weeks. I was again proved wrong. I had developed some unhealthy snacking habits staying home with my children and the detailed eating plan changed that for me. I adjusted my work out to 5-6 times a week, but I believe the big difference came from the eating plan provided through the challenge.  Other than some of the unhealthy snacking habits I also thought I knew what to eat to stay strong and healthy. I followed the eating guide 99% percent and I learned how to eat if I wanted to gain muscle and stay lean. This made all the difference. Another helpful part of the guide was the description of amounts of protein, how many OZ or grams and example recipes.  I would not have been able to make these changes with out their Nutrition plan and support. (and my sister who was on my team and cooked most of my food every week).

How do you feel now?

After the challenge I feel much stronger and certainly notice a higher level of energy. This again helped me meet my original goals to maintain the mental and physical health I need to take care of my children and have the energy to do all I want to do for them. This is most important to me. Thank you Epic for supporting me through these life changes. You have made all the difference and helped me succeed! I am a better mom and wife because of your program.